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More In The News >Professor Comments on Deploying National Guard in Schools
Dr. Brian Frederick, a political science professor, spoke with The Enterprise about the historical context around a recent effort to bring the National Guard to Brockton High School.
NBC10 Boston Highlights New Cybersecurity Center
BSU President Frederick W. Clark Jr., '83, and Steve Zuromski, '04, G'09, vice president of information technology and chief information officer, gave NBC10 Boston a behind-the-scenes look at BSU's forthcoming cyber range. "We're going to have the best cybersecurity program in New England," Clark said.
Newspaper Spotlights BSU's Efforts to Reduce Food Insecurity
The Sun Chronicle highlighted Bridgewater State's multi-faceted approach to preventing hunger. The university runs a food pantry and accepts SNAP benefits, among other steps.
Bridgewater Magazine
Bridgewater Magazine keeps alumni, faculty, students and their families, staff, and friends of BSU informed about the university community and its impact on the region.
Current Issue
Taking Flight: Meet freshman Renna Kingsbury along with other students and alumni from the growing Aviation Science program. Also in this issue: Bridgewater State University Ranked One of America’s Best Colleges by The Wall Street Journal
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